Monday, January 26, 2015

Pump efficiency

Pump efficiency measures how well the pump converts electrical power to useful work moving the water.

Pump efficiency = power output/power input

Pump efficiency = Hydraulic power, Ph/Power input to the shaft x 100

Steps for find out pump efficiency are given below:

Step 1. Measure flow rate

The following are the methods for flow measurements:
  • Installation of an on-line flow meter
  • Ultrasonic flow measurement
  • Tank filling method
Flow rate (Q) = cum fluid pumped / time in seconds

Step 2. Determine discharge head

This is taken from the pump discharge side pressure gauge. Discharge head, is the pressure read from the pressure gauge fitted at the pump when the system is at full operational pressure.

Step 3. Determine suction head

Suction head is the distance between the centre line of the pump and the water level plus losses in the suction pipe. This is taken from the pump inlet pressure gauge readings and the value to be converted in to meters (1kg/cm2 = 10. m). If not the level difference between sump water level to the center line of the pump.

Step 4. Determine total head

Total head (Hd-Hs) is discharge head minus suction head.

Step 5. Determine motor efficiency

Electric motors have an efficiency (Me). During running, they lose some of the energy going into them as heat. This energy loss changes with the size of the motor and the load on the motor.

Step 6. Determine motor input power

Measurement of motor input power The motor input power Pm can be measured by using a portable power analyzer.

Step 7. Determine Pump shaft power

The pump shaft power Ps is calculated by multiplying the motor input power by motor efficiency

at the existing loading.

Ps = Pm x Me

Step 8. Calculate pump efficiency

ηPump = Ph/Ps

Hydraulic power, Ph (KW) = Q x (Hd-Hs) x Density x g/1000


Q = volume flow rate, cum/sec

Density = density of fluid, Kg/cum

g = acceleration due to gravity, m/square sec

(Hd-Hs)= total head in mtrs

Efficiency of pump,  ηPump = Ph/Ps 

Where, Ps = Pm x Me 

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